I am having issues:
I want to delete a family group I no longer want to use. How to delete a group?
A grandchild has received an invite to the group. I show she is a member, but her side shows she is not joined the group G5ZBL1X. I can't re invite. I need engineer to fix this for me.
I can't see the answers of my grandkids posts of activities. See my Answers doesn't work
I really love this new app and do it almost every day. I'm a service missionary at Lehi Family Search Center. So I teach and help others with this App. I appreciate your help with these issues.
If you go to the Group Member list does the grandchild show up at the top as 'invited' or is she lower down and listed as a member?
If she is Invited, you can RESEND the invitation. Click RESEND to copy the invitation link and then paste it into email or text or whatever messaging you use.
If she shows as a Member, click the three dots to the right of her name and Remove her from the group. Then you should be able to create a new invitation to send to her.
You can delete a group by removing everyone who is a member and then Leave the group yourself.