Translation Request - Lotero and Curotto family
Hi, Looking through my old record clippings I found two that I can no longer find but would very much like to be translated please. I have been searching for Lotero Peperone, a foundling, and because Lotero is a rare name I found an abbondanra? Lotero in the first clipping
and a possible marriage for Domenica Curotto in the second clipping
I will obviously have to track the records down if they possibly fit my search
Thank you
From your other post:
The first is from the marriage (I think) of Lorenzo (also called Domenico) Abbondanza. The second is from the marriage of Giuseppe Domenico Curotto, a man (you can see his signature at the end), with Maria Luigia Pirazza.
And please, next time give links with the full record rather than snippets. Context matters in reading these.