Translation Request Please
I would appreciate help with the translation of this marriage record from 1768. It is on FamilySearch. The record is for Christoph Hein on the right side of the page. Thank you very much for your help.
"Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch ( )
최고 답변
Here's the transcription -
21 Mstr Christoph Hein Bürger und Töpfer allhier, alt 23
mit Jgfr. Anna Elisabetha Preussin, des verstorbenen Herrn Fridrich Preuß, gewesenen Thorschreibers allhier, nachgelaßenen eheleibl. Tochter, alt 25.
And translation -
21 Master Christoph Hein, citizen and potter here, age 23
with Miss Anna Elisabetha Preuss, surviving legitimate daughter of the deceased Fridrich Preuß, former gate scribe here, age 25.
Note - a Thorschreiber is an official who records the goods or people coming or going from the gate of the town.
Thank you very much for the transcription and translation. I really appreciate it. I have not heard of a Thorschreiber before and thank you for that information!