German Script translation help
This is a marriage record from Ellershausen, Frankenberg, Hessen, Prussia for 1825. The record in question is highlighted, the record on the right. The archion link is:
An image of the entire page, if that is helpful, is also attached.
Thank you!
März Copulirte de 1825
18. Johann Peter Sönnweis, des verstorbenen Johannes Sönnweisen Sohn von Ellershaußen, mit Susanne Armand, des verstorbenen Johann Adam Armands zu Louisendorf ehl. Tochter
March Married in 1825
18.Johann Peter Sönnweis, son of the late Johannes Sönnweis in Ellershausen, with Susanne Armand, legitimate daughter of the late Johann Adam Armand in Louisendorf
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Thank you so much! And thank you for giving me the transcription in addition to the translation. I have no previous experience with German, and this helps me build my knowledge.