Now is the time (CORRECTED POST)
With our Family History Centers closed and being uncertain as when they will be able to able to be opened again, now is the time to begin planing on how you will be able to engage and bring back the guests that regularly use the Center, or those that previously met with you to receive help in finding their ancestors. It is possible that as a result of the issues with the virus that we have been experiencing our guests may be hesitant about returning to a Center or asking for individual assistance.
@Steve Walker16
Just my thoughts ...
After this worldwide pandemic has passed; and, the "Family History Centres" (FHC) of the Church, just like everything else in the world, are OPEN once again ...
Personally, I do not think that the former regular Users/Patrons would be reluctant/hesitant to return to FHCs; nor, do I think that NEW Users/Patrons would be reluctant/hesitant to come to FHCs.
As soon as the Church advised us on 13 March 2020 to cease Church related "Activities", our FHC prepared "Details" for the TEMPORARY (Indefinite) "Closure" of the FHC being:
(1) a "Notice" for the external accesses to the FHC; and,
(2) a "Change" of 'Hours of Operations' of the FHC, in "CDOL", that is then referenced and displayed in "FHC Locator" in "FamilySearch"; plus,
(3) a "Banner" for the TOP of the "FamilySearch" 'Wiki' page of the FHC,
that were approved/authorised by our Stake President.
After this worldwide pandemic has passed, our FHC will take down the aforementioned; and, add a 'Quick' ... "OPEN for business, as usual" ...
Plus, the Telephone for the FHC is forwarded to the 'Director' of the FHC (or, can be so forwarded to an 'On-Call' Staff Member, if the 'Director' needs to be unavailable) so as to still be able to help Users/Patrons where possible; and, advise on the current status of the FHC. There has NOT be a 'Flood' of call; but, there have been some - and the Users/Patrons really appreciate the help and information; and, the fact that some form of assistance is still available through the/our FHC.
As I suggested, after this worldwide pandemic has passed; and, the "Family History Centres" (FHC), just like everything else in the world, are OPEN once again I do not think that the former regular Users/Patrons would be reluctant/hesitant to return to FHCs; nor, do I think that NEW Users/Patrons would be reluctant/hesitant to come to FHCs.
I truly believe that our "Temples" will need to be prepared for an onslaught of use after after this worldwide pandemic has passed.
Unlike, the most of the "Temples", in Utah; and, the surrounding States; plus, the larger "Temples" in the other part of the United States of America, many "Temples" around the rest of the work operate on very 'limited' "Hours of Operation" basis.
That is WHY I suggest that our "Temples" will need to be prepared for an onslaught of use after after this worldwide pandemic has passed.
Please DO NOT get me wrong, the "Temples", in Utah; and, the surrounding States; plus, the larger "Temples" in the other part of the United States of America, WILL be getting MORE use after after this worldwide pandemic has passed; but, they, at least, have the added advantage of the longer "Hours of Operation" - I know, we have been to quite a few.
For many "Temples" around the rest of the work, it is an INCREASE in the number of AVAILABLE "Temple Workers" that will be of critical importance to cover the unprecedented onslaught of use of the "Temples", after after this worldwide pandemic has passed.
FHCs will endure.
But ...
That said ...
'Yes" ...
You are correct ...
"Family History Centres" (FHC) of the Church MUST be PREPARED, when this worldwide pandemic has passed, for INCREASED activity.
Just my thoughts.
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I haven't been to a FHC for a while (I use a local Affiliate Library instead), but think that there will be long-term negative impacts of the pandemic. It will take months for people to be comfortable being in close proximity to others. There'll be a surge in many parts of the economy and in public/community life in general when the lockdowns end or are relaxed in each area, but in the long-term some people, especially the elderly and those with medical conditions will just prefer to stay at home away from others. So it definitely something to consider, not just for FHCs, but for Affiliate Libraries and genealogical societies and museums as well.
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I agree and we are going to find a way to locate those who are not only attending Family History Centers, but also as you say Affiliate Libraries and other public venues for family history research. The computer will be helpful, but it also means we need to discover how to teach others how to spend the time research and making our ancestors come alive through their records.