Sweden - What is the farm where the father is from on the birth record?
Gunnil Maria Andersdotter has 3 children with the same man. It does not appear that they got married. The birth record only shows the farm where the father lives and does not give his name.
This is the birth record for Olof, born 7 April 1838.
Here is the clerical survey with Gunnil and her children. They all carry the last name of Olausson.
The fourth child, Olena's birth record seems to show something different but I am not sure
At present, there seems to be a problem with the images from Riksarkivet, they don't show when I click on the links. I 've noticed the problem before and have been in contact with their service desk, but the problem remains.
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That is interesting. They are still working on my end. Would this help? This is all in Göteborg och Bohus
This is Olof's birth record
Näsinge kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/GLA/13414/C/3 (1814-1852), bildid: C0041855_00274, sida 510 - Image 274/page 510
This the clerical survey
Näsinge kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/GLA/13414/A I/2 (1825-1846), bildid: C0041848_00214, sida 60 - Image 214/page 60
This Olena's birth record. There is just one word written next to father but the letters are not clear so I am not sure what it is saying.
Näsinge kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/GLA/13414/C/3 (1814-1852), bildid: C0041855_00288, sida 538 - image 288/page 538
I am hoping this works.
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I still have problems to see the images on my home pc but it works on my phone.
In both birth records the father is oangifven or angafs ej (unstated, not named).
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I am glad it worked. Thank you for showing how the words are spelled.
How to move forward? Currently in FamilySearch Gustaf, the oldest son, is listed with a Olof as his father. Currently he is the only child listed. I believe the best way to list the children to be with just a mother and give notes stating from the naming practices that it is possible that the father's name is Olau since the 3 boys are given the last name of Olausson.
Since Gustaf is already listed with Olof and Gunnil and the temple work was done I am a little unsure how to handle his records. I could separate the parents or I could give a note stating that the father is really unknown and then leave the relationship.
The reason I am hesitating is this is not my line but I am helping a patron and ultimately it comes down to how he wants to handle it. I want to give him the best information to make this decision.
On the clerical record I listed above her mother is listed above her and I believe the note says she is poor. It appears the crossed out note is about Anna Maria. She is Gunnil's sister. The note for Gunnil looks like p. VI 3??? What do all the notes say/mean?
I did find her in the next book and Olena is also listed with the last name of Olausdotter.
Lommelands kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, SE/GLA/13338/A I/3 (1846-1856), bildid: C0041505_00024, sida 210
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As I am not a member of the Church I am not the right person to comment on the rules for temple work.
From a general genealogical point of view, a first line source (record) is always required to establish a family relationship (e.g. father-child) before it can be entered into a family tree.
I am still having problems accessing the clerical record.
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@Ulrich Neitzel Thank you for your explanation. I agree that the best practice of establishing a family tree was not followed here.
In looking at Naming Practices on out of wedlock children there was nothing I found that was different then the traditional naming practices. Her father is Anders Lon/Lonv and her children carry the name of Olausson. Following name practices there is a possibility that the father of Gunnil's children is named Olau. Correct? I know we do not have evidence to this fact. Another possibility is Lon is not Anders' birth last name but the children could be named after him not their father. I have not been able to find Ander's birth record yet. They are found on the left side on the middle of the page. I am trying to find a way to explain this all to the patron as he is an older gentleman.
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Some general comments:
Children of an unmarried mother usually used a matronym instead of a patronym. So in this case Gunnil's children would have been called either Gunnilsson (sons) or Gunnilsdotter (daughter). Note that this name was not recorded in the baptismal record which only gives the child's first name.
As to Olausson: Olau(s) is not a common first name in Sweden. It exist as a latinized form of Olof/Olov and was only used by scholars who used Latin as their communication language (see e.g. Olaus Magnus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olaus_Magnus). I can't imagine that an ordinary country person would have that name.
So the question still remains where the Olausson name for Gunnil's children comes from.
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Was Olau a common name in Norway? With area being so close to Norway I am sure that there was a lot of influence between the two countries.
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I wanted to update you. As I have continued to work with this area I have found that Olau is very common in this area. The Norway research wiki page does not have a given name list like on the Swedish research wiki page but I wonder if the influence from Norway is what brings this name to Sweden.
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Good to hear that you are making progress. Still I am surprised that the children should have a patronym when the mother is not married and does not live with the father.
I am still experiencing problems viewing the images from Riksarkivet.
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I have been learning many new things with working on this side of the country. There are names that I have never seen before and way that things are applied that are different. I know it is expected so it is helping me to take a new look at the records and think a little differently. It is a blessing to expand my knowledge.
Especially since I am now also working with records in Norway. Those records are proving to be more challenging to find. Hopefully I can learn my way around better and be successful. It would be great to find a person that can help me there. Do you work with records in Norway?
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I don't need translation help as I am working with a Native speaker. We are trying to find records in the late 1800's and early 1900's. There are several birth records that we really need to find so we can clarify family stories vs. actual relationships. That is the kind of help that I am needing.
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I don't have much experience in researching Norwegian records. But I understand that there are several experts in this group who can help you.
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Thank you. I will work on make a post about this family. Maybe with some help we can break through this brick wall.