A few words in a 1651 Alsace marriage record
Any suggestions for the bolded words? Not sure I'm reading them right. The date corresponds to Saturday in the Gregorian calendar, but it doesn't look like Samstag or Sonnstag; alternatively in the Julian calendar it should be Tuesday = Dienstag. Thanks!
:Siestage d[en] 16. Septemb. wurden ??rff doppelt Proclamation ehelich eingesegnet Simon Roth der Wagner, weÿland Hanß Rothen ??rff d ??lach sonste Meÿerhaußen genant hindlaßene ehelich Sohn und Jüngfr. Eva, Hanß Keppler deß Schmidts zu Paulgriesch[eim] eheliche Tochter.
:Year 1651
:Entry no.: 2.
:Saturday the 16. Septemb. ??[after?] banns twice, Simon Roth the Wagonmaker, surviving legitimate Son of the late Hanß Roth ?? the ?? usually known as Meÿerhaußen, and Maiden Eva, legitimate Daughter of Hanß Keppler the Blacksmith at Pfulgriesheim, were blessed in marriage.
Source: Archives d’Alsace; Archives Départementales du Bas-Rhin; Lampertheim - Registres Paroissiaux (Avant 1793) - Paroisse protestante et catholique (Avant 1793) - Registre de baptêmes mariages sépultures 1634-1680 - 3 E 256/2; https://archives.bas-rhin.fr/detail-document/ETAT-CIVIL-C255-P21-R164334#visio/page:ETAT-CIVIL-C255-P21-R164334-1286345; Image 8 of 91
최고 답변
:Dinstags d[en] 16. Septemb. wurden uff? doppelte Proclamation ehelich eingesegnet Simon Roth der Wagner, weÿland Hanß Rothen uff(?) d ??lach sonste Meÿer Hanßen(?) genant hindlaßene ehelich Sohn und Jungfr. Eva, Hanß Keppler deß Schmidts zu Paulgriesch[eim] eheliche Tochter.
My comments:
I can't find the word Siestag in any dictionary, so I assume it is actually Di(e)nstag. The Julian calendar was in use in the Protestant states long after Pope Gregory XIII introduced the new calendar in 1582 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_calendar).
"uff" is a dialectal variant of "auf". I can't read the following word which is probably a location.
My translation:
Tuesday the 16. Septemb. after banns twice, Simon Roth the Wagonmaker, surviving legitimate Son of the late Hanß Roth on the ??, usually known as Meÿer's Hanß, and Maiden Eva, legitimate Daughter of Hanß Keppler the Blacksmith at Pfulgriesheim, were blessed in marriage.
Thanks as always @Ulrich Neitzel ! The source I use for converting between the calendars https://stevemorse.org/jcal/julian.html notes that the Julian calendar was officially used in Alsace up to 1648, but presumably that wasn't consistent everywhere.