Translation Help Please
This is a 1694 baptism record for Caspar Lerch from Langenselbold, Hesse, from I made an attempt to transcribe and translate the record. I would appreciate corrections to my efforts. Thank you so much! Cynthia McClanahan Cruz
Transcription Ao 94.
Selbold filig den 28 oct. Sonntag lissen Johann Lorch und Catharina un Ehleuth ein Sonl. Caspar Taufen, der gottvatter ist des vatters bruder Caspar Lorch ein ledig gessell
Translation 1694
Selbold ? Sunday the 28th October Johann Lorch and Catharina a married couple allowed their young son, Caspar to be baptized, the Godfather is the Father’s brother Caspar Lorch a single companion?
최고의 답변
Hello @Cynthia McClanahan Cruz,
First -- thank you very much for transcribing and translating this record -- you did an excellent job! My corrections and edits (which are few and minor) are shown below in bold or strike-through:
Transcription Ao 94.
Selbold filius den 28 oct. Sonntag liesen Johan
nLerch und CatharinaunEhleuth ein Sönl. Caspar tauffen, der gevatter ist des vatters bruder Caspar Lerch ein ledig gessell.Translation 1694
Selbold, son, on Sunday the 28th [of] October Johann Lerch and Catharina a married couple allowed their
younglittle son, Caspar to be baptized, the Godfather is the Father’s brother Caspar Lerch a single companion [or young man].My comments: Regarding the word that looks like "filig": The "g" is not a "g" but a scribal symbol that represents the letters "us" -- this makes the word "filius" which is Latin for "son".
The German abbreviation "Sönl." = Sönlein = Söhnlein = little son.
The word "gesell" does mean "companion" (among other definitions) but here I think "young man" works better. Also because the word "Junggesselle" can translate as "bachelor", you could use that as well.
Keep up the good work!
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Thank you Robert Seal_1
I appreciate your help! Thank you for your encouragement. I do not speak or read the German language but I have studied the Pennsylvania Deitsch dialect a bit. Many words are similar. I am trying to learn to read the German script, but it is also a challenge. I am slowly building a tiny "church record vocabulary."
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You're welcome, Cynthia. Building a "church record vocabulary" is an excellent way to learn to read the German parish records. That's exactly what I did when I started reading these records nine years ago.