Word for Church authorities in 1743 Alsatian marriage record
Can you make out the church or Landgrafschaft Hessen-Darmstadt high authority that granted the dispensation? And suggestions for word before 'ob anticipatum concubitum'? I'm guessing praevia, but it doesn't really look like it. Thanks!
"...wurden auf hochfürstl. Eonhisto eij? Dispensation ohne Proclamirt zu worden und praev? ob anticipatum concubitum ehel. eingeseignet Jacob..."
:Den 8ten 8bris wurden auf hochfürstl. Eonhisto eij? Dispensation ohne Proclamirt zu worden und prev? ob anticipatum concubitum ehel. eingeseignet Jacob, auch Jacob Landgraffen des Bürgers und Ackermanns dahier ehel. lediger Sohn und Rosina, Weÿl. Johannes Julch des geweßenen Bürgers dahier nachgelaßene ehel. ledige Tochter.
:[signed] HochZeitter
:Annarosin Jülgin des hochzeiter
:Martin Schuster als Zeig[en]
:Johan Jacob Jeüch als Zeüg
:J.E Hause ?? P.L.
:[page]: 19
:The 8th October on the authority of the high council? Dispensation without bans was given due to premarital relations to legitimately bless Jacob, legitimate unmarried son of also [named] Jacob Landgraff, the Citizen and Farm here, and Rosina, surviving legitimate Daughter of the late Johannes Julch the former Citizen here.
:[signed] Jacob Landfraff Bridegroom
:Annarosin Jülch the Bride[groom]?
:Martin Schuster as Witness
:Johan Jacob Jeüch as Witness
:J.E Hause, Pastor P.L.
Source: Oberhoffen-sur-Moder- Registre de mariages 1738-1787 - 3 E 345/7; Image consulted at https://archives.bas-rhin.fr/detail-document/ETAT-CIVIL-C342-P2-R206951#visio/page:ETAT-CIVIL-C342-P2-R206951-2316582; Image 11 of 112
최고의 답변
"...wurden auf hochfürstl. Consistorii Dispensationis ohne Proclamirt zu werden und zwar ob anticipatum concubitum ehel. eingesegnet Jacob..."
... were blessed in marriage without banns on the basis of a dispensation granted by the High Princely Consistory and that because of premarital relations: Jacob ..."
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Hello Tom,
"ohne proclamirt zu werden" is just the grammatical passive form: "without being proclaimed"
Thanks @Ulrich Neitzel ! Could 'zu werden' be taken to mean 'at the abbey'?
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Thanks for that clarification, @Ulrich Neitzel