Looking for a family member
Looking for a brother of my dad who left Poland and arrived to USA,but i don't know which year
My father was Lipinski Alojzy,Born 18 October 1910 in Najmusy,Pomeranian voivodeship. To his death he was living in Starogard Gdanski,Najmusy,Pomeranian voivodeship
The only thing i remember about my dad's brother is his name probably was Jan (John)
Lastly he visited me and my father was in 1979-1980.
Thanks in advance for all the help
Here is what I came up with after doing a quick search. Links to indexes below. I'm unable to find scans of the documents.
Alojzy Lipiński - born in 1910 and baptized in Pieniążkowo Parish.
His parents were Ignacy and Marianna. Ignatz Lipiński and Marianna Woźna married in 1898 in Pieniążkowo.
They had about 10 children between 1900 and 1914. All born in Pieniążkowo. None of them were named Jan. Perhaps the uncle you remember was Antoni or Feliks? Bolesław, Franciszek, and Józef died as young children. It's of course possible that the records are incomplete. Alternatively, he went by a middle name / nickname.
Alojzy Lipiński married Agnieszka Dorawa in Konarzyny in 1922? He remarried in 1943 to Helene Piotrzkowska in Starogard Gdański, St. Mateusz? He passed away 2001 in Starogard Gdański, St. Wojciech.
Hope this helps, best regards,
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