Translation Request
Page 1.
Text in German
Soldau, 22nd May 1906
Page 2.
Text in German
Text in Polish: Treasury of the State – according to the statement of Subprefect (Head) of Powiat (District ) dated the 5th November 1947, Section Rol. (Agricultural?) No. 336/47, issued with reference to Article 2, Lit. 6, decree PKWN dated the 6th September, year 1944 to carry out the agricultural reform (Dz. U.R.P. Nr. 3 of 1945 year, item 13), it was written on the 11th December 1947. Signed: Gizinski - Ugodowska.
Page 3.
Text in German
Text in Polish:
Net profit from the land was agreed with addition in Book of parcels, on the 30th July 1938. Signed by Lutobarski (?) - Ugodowska.
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Thank you for your help with this.