Death Karolina Ziegler nee Lange 1872
Death Scan 236, Certificate 104 Dabie Evang, Karolina Ziegler
Translated from Russian:
Death Record No. 104, Scan No. 236, Dabie, Evangelical Parish, of Karolina Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), born Lange, who died in Dabie on the 6th September 1872, death reported on the 7th September 1872, she lived 35 years, she was born in Przedecz, daughter of Jan and Rozyna (Karolina?), born Schik, married couple Lange, already deceased. At death she left widowed husband Gotlieb Ziegler (Cigler in Russian), 39 years old. Death reported by Gotlieb Ziegler, the husband of the deceased, and Karl Reich, 39 years old, both house owners of in Dabie.
Micr. 008023078 Image 442 of 552
Translated from Polish:
Birth Record No. 44, Przedecz, Evangelical Parish, of Karolina Ernestyna Lange, born in Przedecz on the 4th May 1836, christened on the 8th May 1836, daughter of Jan Lange, a clothier, resident of Przedecz, 32 years old, and of his wife, Karolina Schik, 30 years old.
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