Please translate marriage Emil Schachtschneider & Emma Maria Kreutz, 1897, no. 10, Kolo, Poland
Thank you for your help.
Marriage Record No. 10, Kolo, Evangelical Parish, dated the 22nd August 1897, of Emil Schachtschneider, a bachelor, 21 years old (actually 23 years old, acc. to his birth record), an office clerk, resident of Kolo, born in Sobótka, son of Gustav and Florentyna, born Brunk, married couple Schachtschneider, of Evangelical-Augsburg Faith, and of a maiden, Emma Maria Kreutz (Kreitz in Russian), 22 years old, daughter of deceased Karl Kreutz and of his wife, Zuzanna, born Kalicka. She was born in Blizna Wies (Blizna Village), year 1874, No. 73, (Kolo Evangelical Parish), and she lives there with her mother. She is of Evangelical-Augsburg Faith. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in Kolo Evangelical-Augsburg Church. No impediment was detected. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Adolf Kreutz, 27 years old, from Blizna Wies, where he lives with his mother, and Edmund Detke, a teacher, 31 years old, resident of Kolo. Signatures in Russian: Emil Schachtschneider, Emma Schachtschneider, born Kreutz, Adolf Kreutz, and E. Detke.
Note on this marriage record in German:
Ehe gescholssen am 13.6.1942
Marriage concluded (?) on June 13, 1942
In Jannowitz (Janowice) Land. No. 12/42
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Birth Record No. 112, Dabie, Evangelical Parish, of Emil Schachtschneider, born in Sobótka on the 31st May 1874, christened on the 1st June 1874, son of Gustav Schachtschneider, a laborer in Sobótka, 38 years old, and of his wife, Florentyna, born Brunk, 22 years old. Witnesses: Samuel Pelcer, 46 years old, and August Kin, 26 years old, both from Sobótka. Godparents: Samuel Pelcer and Luiza Pamiel (?).
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Birth Record No. 73, Kolo, Evangelical Parish, of Emma Maria Kreutz, born in Blizna Wies on the 3rd October 1874, christened on the 18th October 1874, daughter of Karl Kreutz, a farmer from Blizna Wies, 40 years old, and of his wife, Zuzanna, born Kalicka. Witnesses: Ferdynand Pal, a wheelwright, 26 years old, and Adolf Pal, a weaver, 21 years old from Kolo. Godparents: the above mentioned witnesses and Maria Kriger.