Ossenheim, Hessen - baptism in 1733 - Kopp family - transcription help
The baptismal entry is for Anna Catharina daughter of Johannes Kopp and Anna Barbara in Ossenheim. The birth date matches the date for her in the Familienbuch entry for the family. I want to mention that according to the same entry, Ann Catharina born in 1833 has an older sister with the same name who was born in 1725 and died in 1812.
The second image is the full page.
I would appreciate help with the blanks in my transcription and with my translation.
Thank you!
Could the last word on the first line be Hies[ige] = local person?
I looked at a map for the place (where the baptismal sponsor was from) and thought it might be "Eberstadt" which is north of Ossenheim?
den 1ten Xbris [1733] ?as den Hies? [can't see the remaining letter(s) in the gutter]
K [first letter of the surname Kopp]
Schäfer Johannes Kopp ? Ann[a?]
Barbara seins Eh[e]l[ich]e Hausfrau
ein Junges Töchterlein zur w?
gebohre[n] und darauf d[en] 3ten
Vormittag? d[en] H.? Tauf w?
J? Werl? des Wer? der
Gevatterschaft hat Vertretten
Anna Catharina
von Eberstadt w? den Kind
den nahmen Anna Catharina
mit geth?
On December 1, 1733, to the local Shepherd Johannes Kopp and Anna Barbara his wife was a young daughter born and on the morning of the 3rd ? she was baptized. J? the ? has ?representive Anna Catharina from Eberstadt w?. The child's name is Anna Catharina ?
최고 답변
You did very well on this quite difficult record!
den 1ten Xbris [1733] ist dem Hies? [can't see the remaining letter(s) in the gutter]
K [first letter of the surname Kopp]
Schäfer Johannes Kopp von? Ann[a?]
Barbara sein[er] Eh[e]l[ich]en Hausfrau
ein Junges Töchterlein zur Welt
gebohre[n] und darauf d[en] 3ten
Vermittelst d[er] H[eiligen]. Tauf wieder
gebohren Word[en] das Werk? der
Gevatterschaft hat Vertretten
Anna Catharina
von Eberstadt welche dem Kind
den nahmen Anna Catharina
mit getheilet.
On December 1, 1733, a young daughter was born (to the world) to the local Shepherd Johannes Kopp by Anna Barbara his wife and was reborn on the 3rd by means of the Holy Baptism. The role of sponsorship was represented by Anna Catharina from Eberstadt who gave the child the name Anna Catharina.
@Ulrich Neitzel This was a difficult record and after reading your additions and translation, the part of the entry that describes the child's baptism makes sense to me now, and being able to read the details that the writer included such as the German words "Welt" and "wieder-gebohren", makes the record more interesting.
It is helpful to know that "Eberstadt" is the correct place.
Thank you very much for the help - it is appreciated!