Translastion request Albertyna Ziegler
Translation Death - Albertyna Ziegler
1845 Dabie, evang.
Scan #125, Cert. #119
Death Record No. 119, Dabie, Evangelical Parish, of Albertyna Cygler (Ziegler), who died in Dabie on the 19th December 1845, death reported on the 20th December 1845, she lived one year and three weeks, daughter of deceased Gottlieb Cygler (Ziegler), a clothier from Dabie, and of his wife, Anna Rozyna, born Wandke, married couple Cygler (Ziegler). Death reported by Rozyna Cygler (Ziegler), born Wandke, 44 years old, mother of the deceased infant, resident of Dabie, in the presence of Benjamin Schultz, a clothier, citizen of Dabie, 58 years old. Signature of Benj. Szultz.
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