Translation - German Handwriting
This is an entry from an autograph book of my great grandma's. Could someone look over my translation to see if I misinterpreted or missed anything? Greatly appreciated!
Medford, Wis. Nov. 1, 1903
Dear Lizzi,
Always practice loyalty and honestly right down to your heart and soul and stay on God's path.
Your mother, Maria Wüst
최고 답변
This is the first verse of a well-known poem and church hymn (
Üb immer Treu und Redlichkeit
Bis an dein kühles Grab,
Und weiche keinen Finger breit
Von Gottes Wegen ab
Always be faithful and true
until you reach your cold grave
and don't stray a finger
from God's path
@Ulrich Neitzel Thank you. Given the family, doesn't surprise me she used a bible verse in her daughter's book. I really loved getting to hear it in German.