Norwegian birth_Noderhov, Buskerud, Norway
Could I please get the words in fron to Lars Olsen and Anne Gulbrandsdatr (entry no. 21)? Also, what are the words under the 25? Thanks in advance!
Hi Stacy,
The word in front of Lars' name is an abbreviation "hmd = h(us)m(ann)d = cottager, tenant farmer, share crofter; a person who lived on land without a farm number. Could often use a parcel of land by paying the landowner" (See the Norwegian genealogical word list in the FamilySearch Wiki:
After Lars' name is "Øvernebergsundet", which is the family's residence. The words in front of Anne's name are " og h(ustru) = and wife".
Under 25 in the christening date column it reads "i hoved kirken = in the main church".
You can see an indexed version of this record here:
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Thank you!
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Thank you!
Could you tell me what it says for the parents of Marte Halvorsdatter, too, please? How do you get to the indexed version (like you did with Gulbrand's birth)?
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Oh, and what is that to the far right of her birth?
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Hi Stacy,
Last question first - to the far right is the word "Uægta = illegitimate". The Norwegian Genealogical Word List has the spelling "uekte" but it is the same word. See here:
As far as what precedes the father's name, I can't really be sure what it is. It looks like "hf: U:k:". "Hf:" could be an abbreviation for "h(us)f(ader) = father of the/a house". The "U:k:" could mean anything but is probably something along the lines of "unmarried". There is a similar entry for the father of Karen born 8 Nov. 1816 on the previous page - (bottom entry on the right hand page): Her birth is also noted as illegitimate.
The word in preceding Anne Olsdatter's name in your record is "tjenestepig(e) = servant girl".
To locate the indexed record for this birth follow these steps:
- Access the Norwegian archives by going here:
- Click on "Geography"
- Click on "Østlandet"
- Click on "Buskerud"
- Click on "Norderhov"
- Under "Individual information", enter "Marte" in the first name field
- Under "Role" select "Child"
- Under "Birth year" enter "1816"
- Under "Birth date" enter "11-02"
- Click "Search" in the upper or lower right-hand of the page
You should see 2 results, click on the name "Marte" of the one with the correct birth date (1816-11-02). That will bring up the indexed version of the record. In the upper left corner of the page, under "Person: Marte" you will see a link that says "See scanned version". Clicking on that will take you to the original record.
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I should have figured out earlier that the "U:K:" is "Ungkarl = bachelor"!! "U:Karl" is written out here (entry 79):
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Thanks so much!!