Assenheim Hessen - death in 1864 - Kopp family - transcription help
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I previously posted the baptism of Anna Margaretha Kopp who was born on 13 Nov 1783 in Assenheim and this post is for a possible death record for her. Again, I would appreciate help to fill in the blanks in my transcription and translation and make corrections. The entry is number 7 on the right side.
I calculated her age at death using the birth date in the baptism entry and it seems to match the age in the death entry. Also, I read her maiden name as Kopp. So this record is a good match to the baptism entry and I just want to confirm this.
I haven't found a marriage entry for Anna Margaretha Kopp and Casper Jochim. I'm especially interested in any info about him that might be helpful to find their marriage. I think the record mentions that she was a widow.
Any help is appreciated.
1864 No. 7 Anna Margaretha Jochim
Den Daher G?isti echtz?hahaus ? sachzig den siebenten Juni ? Uhr ? Anna Margaretha, Wittwe des ? Casper Jochim, geborene Kopp [I read the first letter of the maiden name as "K" not "R". Is that right?] alt achtzig Jahre sechs Monate und vierundzwanzig Tag, und ? der ? des ? Monats Mittags ein Uhr ? Gebrauche ? äff?lich zur ? in ? den ? hiesiger ? Georg Krick und Friedrich Beratheusel, ?
Georg Krick
Friedrich Beratheusel
Karl ?
Therefore G?isti echtz?hahaus ? sachzig the seventh of June ? o'clock ? Anna Margaretha, widow of ? Casper Jochim, née Kopp aged eighty years six months and twenty-four days, and ? the ? of ? month at noon one o'clock ? Use of ? the ? local ? Georg Krick and Friedrich Beratheusel, ?
Georg Krick
Friedrich Beratheusel
Karl ?
최고 답변
My edits and additions in bold:
Im Jahre Christi achtzehnhundertvierundsechzig den siebenten Juni nachts gegen zwei Uhr starb Anna Margaretha, Wittwe des hiesigen Bürgers Casper Jochim, geborene Kopp [I read the first letter of the maiden name as "K" not "R". Is that right? yes] alt achtzig Jahre sechs Monate und vierundzwanzig Tage, und wurde den neunten desselben Monats Mittags ein Uhr christlichem Gebrauche gemäß öffentlich zur Erde bestattet in Gegenwart der beiden hiesigen Lehrer: Georg Krick und Friedrich Berntheusel, welche gegenwärtiges Protokoll nebst mir, dem Pfarrer, unterschrieben haben.
Georg Krick
Friedrich Berntheusel
Karl Ettuller(?)
In the year of Christ 1864, the seventh of June, at about two o'clock in the morning, Anna Margaretha née Kopp, widow of the local citizen Casper Jochim, died at the age of eighty years six months and twenty-four days, and was publicly buried on the ninth of the same month at one o'clock at noon, according to Christian custom, in the presence of the two local teachers: Georg Krick and Friedrich Berntheusel, who signed this record together with me, the pastor.
Hello Ulrich,
Thank you very much for your edits and additions to my transcription and the translation! This confirms that the baptism and death entries are for the same Anna Margaretha Kopp.
I was looking for a bit of info in the death entry about her husband Casper and it mentioned that she is the "widow of the local citizen ...". Since Anna Margaretha was baptized in Assenheim and Casper is a local citizen there, I can assume they were likely married in Assenheim and her husband was also buried there, which is helpful.
I'm continuing to try to improve my reading of the old church books and your and others help is very much appreciated!