Translation Request for birth, for Carl Albert Julius Tschoepe. There is a left side and right side
Name of Child: Carl Albert Julius
Birth day and time: 17 April, 11:15 midday
Upper Note:
This child is legitimized by the mother's subsequent marriage with the journeyman plumber Emil Albert Gustav Julius Möhs, whom the paternity of the same has been recognized.
Lower note:
Registered according to the decree of the king of the province of Brandenberg on Jan 2 1863, (entered on) Jan 8, 1863 by Sexton Meyer.
Name and residence of Mother:
Marie Louise Schöpke, workmans daughter at Kleine Frankfurterstrasse No 12
(note:) to be corrected to Marie Louise Tschöpe based on the adjacent Berlin decree, (entered on) Jan 8, 1863 by Sexton Meyer
Birthplace: Berlin
Religion: Lutheran
Baptism Date: 25 April
Name of official performing baptism: ?
Baptismal Sponsors: Muller, weaver, Emilie and Minne? Tschöpe, Agnes? Heinrich
I would use the surname Möhs since he was legitimized by marriage and used that surname on his marriage record.
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Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I really appreciate your time and efforts !!! Janeen