Rolanda, Sweden Mantal Records 1720 Translation requested
Hi again, my apologies for the extra record but I've found a critical record for my search. This is Joen Tolfsson in Holman, Rolanda in 1720. There is a note to the right I need translated. Can you do it for me. Thanks. Do not worry about the spelling of the name, we have verification that this is our guy as Rolanda was spelling Tolf multiple ways before 1724 or so.
Hi again, leaving you the 1721 Rolanda Mantal Record with another note out to the side of Joen Tolfsson in Holman. If you can translate this as well as the one above that would be great. thanks.
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In the first image I can read only the first word which is förderfva (modern Swedish: fördärva) = (to) corrupt, (to) ruin
The note in the second image seems to be: utan bruk eller nähring tigger = without use or occupation, begging
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Thanks again Ulrich. You have been very helpful.