Fassio / Faccio / Fazio etc
We have hit a wall with this family line. For starters, there isn't any solid documentation. The Fassio family consists of Santiago Fassio, Teresa Olive, Julia Manuela Fassio (my great grandmother) and there was a younger female sibling.
It is my belief that they immigrated to Montevideo, Uruguay from somewhere in Italy, between 1867-1869. This is an educated guess. In February of 1870, there was a fire in the old part of Montevideo where Teresa and her youngest daughter died. We did discover an article that confirmed our family story, however the names of the woman and child were not mentioned.
Julia Manuela was give to an Italian family since her father could not care for her and work. We believe that he later marries Carlotta Riggiardo (several different surname spellings) and has additional children. Julia moves to Argentina and marries Aaron Plazaola. Santiago dies a few years later. Julia does not have any documentation nor can she read or write.
I believe that Julia was born in 1865 / 1866.
We need to find some documentation that links Julia to her parents. Several Santiago Fassios can be found in Uruguay, but not Teresa Olive nor Julia Manuela Fassio.
We do not have fully trusted documentation. Much of what we have are pieces of information from family stories and collaborated events.
My great grandmother, Julia Manuela Fassio was illiterate and given in care of an Italian family when she was about 3 years old, after her mother and younger sibling had died in a fire in Montevideo, Uruguay. We believe her birthday is the 13 October 1866 – 1872. I believe her birth year is 1866. Her mother most likely died in the February 1870 fire. She may have been born in Montevideo, but I believe that she was born in Italy. Julia, was a servant and eventually ended up in Buenos Aires and married Aaron Plazaola.
Her father was Santiago Fassio (possibly born in 1845 and maybe in Italy). After the death of his wife and youngest daughter, he put Julia in care of another family. He eventually remarried (we believe that he married Carlotta Riggardio) and died a few years later. He had documentation, but Julia did not retrieve them.
Teresa Olive was her mother and most likely born in Italy about 1840-50's.
The younger sibling, we believe was another daughter. Her name was not passed down to family.
It is my guess that they had emigrated as a family to Montevideo, maybe around 1868-69. He had opened up a store, but on 17 February of 1870, there was a fire in the old portion of Montevideo. An article mentions the fire and that an Italian woman and child had died in the fire. Unfortunately and name was not mentioned, but it does aligns with our family story. According to the family story, he lost his business in the fire, which mentions in the article that several buildings burned down.
We have found a few Santiago Fassio's, but we cannot verify that any are the true family member since we have not found a document that links any of the family. However, we believe there is one that best matches many of the criteria (mentioned earlier).
We have not discovered Teresa Olive nor Julia Manuela in any documents anywhere. Other than recreated Argentine documents for Julia.
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Thank you! I appreciate you taking a look into our family tree.
We do not have any family stories that she had ever entered Argentina, though not impossible. But then, where are the names of her family? She was married and with two children. Then in February of 1870 she dies in a fire in Montevideo, Uruguay where she resided.
Based off of our findings (which isn't much), family stories and guesstimating, I believe that she and her family emigrated to Uruguay a couple of years before her and daughter's death (Feb. 1870). My great grandmother did emigrate to Argentina and spent the rest of her life in Buenos Aires. The rest died in Uruguay.