Where is Cornberg?
Working in the Alswede parish, Westfalen, Prussia from 1646 to 1808, there are often references that the persons in the marriage or christening are from Cornberg, Kornberg, Corneberg, Korneberg. I've tried Meyers gazateer but don't find anything that really matches. I've scoured the map in Meyers - no joy. Most of my families that specify this place are from Hollwinckel, Hedem, Bucholz, Hüffe, Lashorst and Benckhausen.
Can you locate this place/farm on a map or gazateer for me? I love seeing where my ancestors lived and worked.
Is there any chance it might be Kärenberg?
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Could you possibly post a link to one example of a source where this is mentioned? Maybe that would help with the searching for the right place.
Kind regards,
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Thank you. Attached are two examples. The first one has Kornberg on the lower left bottom surrounded in red. The second image has Cornberg in the top left entry. Hope this helps.
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I seems that in both cases the wording is "Kornberg ___? Hüffe", so it might be some location/address dependent on Hüffe.
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It seems that (von) Cornberg is the name of a family who owned "Haus Hüffe", a manor, from 1595 to 1738. Today that manor seems to be called "Schloss Hüffe".
Maybe then the names "Cornberg" and "Hüffe" mean the same place.
Hope the links work.
Regards, Christine