Translation Request
Hi, I noticed my distant relative had a separate page inserted to his baptism record. Can you tell me what it says? I very rarely see these in my research.
The document says that Alexander Franz Matuszewski is now (starting in September 1907) allowed to use the family name "Meinert".
I hope this helps. The text has a lot of legal language in it which I am not able to translate.
Regards, Christine
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Transcription: (save for the president's name & one letter )
“Zu Folge Verfügung der kgl. Regierung,
Abteilung für Kirchen- und Schulwesen in
Bromberg von 20 September 1907 Nr 2527 K II
wird berichtigend vermerkt, daß dem oben
Bezeigneten durch Verfügung des Herrn
Regierungspräsidenten – vom 19. September
d. – No 76 I 12 die Genehmigung erteilt
worden ist, fortan den Familiennamen
zu führen.
Bromberg, den 5 Oktober 1907“
By decree of the royal council, department for (the) church and school system in Bromberg, issued on September 20th, 1907, No 2527 K II, [it shall be noted that] the above mentioned has on September 19th been granted approval by the district president(?) to use the family name 'Meinert' henceforth.
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Very interesting... this will help me in my search, thanks!