Translation from Dutch to English
Hello - Attached are three records of an unmarried mother who birthed six children out of wedlock. Each record lists her name and is signed by a 'W. Hartman' who we believe to be the father.
Each of these records are a bit unusual in that they have notations on the sides. I've included three examples below. I'm hoping for some help to understand what these notations say, and if they give any clue as to (a) who the father is, and (b) why they were not married or anything about their situation.
The mother here, Elizabeth Smith, was married to a much older man in her twenties and then became a widow. 'Albert Hartman' is the name of her original husband who died in 1890. He had a son (by an earlier wife) - 'Wrister Hartman' who was closer to Elizabeth's age. It seems that after her husband died, she was in a relationship with her then adult step-son which may explain why they were never married although they seemed to have lived together for at least a decade.
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
The first document records Elizabeth Smit recognizing five children as hers. It is preprinted, meant to serve as birth certificate. Any change to the document had to be recorded and authorized, and that's what the margin text is about, recording all crossed out text.
The other ones are the actual birth certificates, with the margin text referencing the recognition document.
So the margin texts do not have any clue to Wrister being the father or they being married.
But, noting Wrister was the informant on the births and declaring they were in his house and presence, and that the 1901 son was named Wrister, it seems very likely he was the father.
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Thank you so much for the insight!