Help Reading a Record
"Danmark Kirkebøger, 1484-1941," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 10 November 2017), Thisted > Hillerslev > Nors > 7 (1845-1875) Fødte, Konfirmerede, Viede > image 24 of 100; Rigsarkivet, København (The Danish National Archives), Copenhagen.
I hope this link works. I keep having trouble linking here. I think I found something. This is the record for Lars Christian Severin Christensen (b. 2 May 1852). G8FF-87X
Under the witnesses, the last name looks like Soren Christensen of Kaastrup to me. There is a work in front of his name that I can't make out if someone could tell me what it is if possible. I have the end of a thread here perhaps.
Thanks in advance.
The link worked fine.
The last witness is "Smed Søren Chr: Christensen af Kaastrup" which is "smith (his occupation) Søren Chr(isten) Christensen of Kaastrup".
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Thank You! That is exactly what I was hoping it said.