Hungarian Birth Record
Please help me with the translation of this Hungarian Civil Birth recod. I only have an image of the record and not the link.
This is what I think I know about this record:
Childs name is Josef Szilagyi b. 11 Mar 1898, in Csany
Father: Istvan Szilagyi, age 39, living in and born in Csany, Occupation ??, Religion Evangelical Reformed.
Mother Ersebet Szanyiszlo, age 36, living in Csany, born in Nagy Ida, Religion Evangelical Reformed.
Please verify or correct my translation and if the God Parents or mid wife are listed I would like to know that.
Thank You
Lewis Klapka
Your translation is correct i think.
the occupation of István is "műmalmi napszámos", day laborer at the (machine-powered?) mill - I'm not sure of a proper English translation as until now I wasn't aware of the Hungarian word (Műmalom) either, but apparently it exists.
The midwife is mentiined in the notes Faix Jakabné, but im not at all certain of the family name (if that's Faix or what)
Jakabné is anyway a married name, wife of Faix Jakab
Since this is a civil record, godparents are not mentioned.
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I think this is the father's profile: LT94-FRK
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The birth was recorded in Zsadány (Hernádzsadány nowadays in Hungarian) , that is Zdana, Slovakia, ite tge village right next to Csány
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I don't disagree with Zoltán on anything, but it's faster/easier for me to just do the whole thing.
Number 40. Dated in Zsadány, 12 March 1898.
Informant: István Szilágyi, factory-mill day-laborer, residence Csány, whose identity was confirmed by Mrs. Jakab Faix, midwife.
Father: István Szilágyi, evangelical reformed, factory-mill day-laborer, residence and birthplace Csány, age 39 years.
Mother: Mrs. István Szilágyi born Erzsébet Szaniszló, evangelical reformed, homemaker, residence Csány, birthplace Nagy-Ida, age 36 years.
Birth: Csány, 11 March 1898, 3 a.m.
Child: boy, evangelical reformed, József.
Remark: Mrs. Jakab Faix midwife assisted with the birth.
"Evangelical reformed" is one of those designations that exists solely to confuse future generations: it's exactly equivalent to "Reformed", i.e. Calvinist, a.k.a. Helvetic confession. (And, despite the modern meaning of evangélikus, it is different from evangelical = Lutheran = Augsburg confession.)
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Hello Julia and Zoltan,
Thank you for your quick and detailed response to my question.
You folks make my Hungarian research much easier and I appreciate it very much.
Lewis Klapka