how do you enter a second Partner to my Grand mothers Name and children from partner

Hi Don,
You will do the following
- Be sure you are on family members.
- Click on Add Spouse as shown by the second circle
- Once you have added a Spouse, you will see the box Add a child as shown in the 3rd circle.
Let me know if it works for you. Thanks for asking your question.
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i have entered her first husband and children but when he left she got new partner and they had children so I need both showing as spouses and there children
thank you
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So, You will want to be on her Details page, not her husband's.
So, click on her name and select Person down in the bottom.
Now you will be on her Detail page and you can scroll down, click on "Add Spouse" and it will add a spouse to her.
Did that work?
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Her name will now be in the black font.
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If you aren't use to our community, be sure to click on Expand Post to see all of the info.
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@Don DonLoader
Easy ...
On the "Person/Details" page/screen for the individual/person, go down to the "Family Members" Section, there you will see the first 'Heading', on the right-hand-side, which is, "Spouses and Children"; and, just below the word 'Children' you will see an "+ Add Spouse" what is a 'Button'/'Link', select that.
You will then be presented with a "Pop-Up" (aka: "Modal") 'Window' to allow you to add, ANOTHER. an ADDITIONAL, "Spouse'.
You can add as many "Spouses" (ie. Couple Relationships) to an individual/person that are required - there is no limit.
On top of what has already been proffered by 'FamilyBible', here is another "Knowledge Article" in "FamilySearch" on the matter:
How do I add a spouse or partner in Family Tree?
I hope this helps.