access to premium website through family search
It's been some time since I heard this, but as I recall we were told to open the portal and then open Premium sites that are needed first so they'll be already open in the background. Then go into the Tree and begin working. See if that works for you. Otherwise, if you get this before 7pm today (Eastern Time), and live in North America or the Pacific, ask your Center leader to get into the FamilySearch Center "Chatter" meeting for Center leaders (7pm Eastern, repeated at 7pm Pacific, and 7pm Hawaii times). It's a 1-hour open Zoom meeting/discussion between senior FamilySearch Support people and FSC leaders. This would be a great question to bring up again.
As I was about to post this, I just noticed that it's in the tech support for leaders and staff group, so presumably you're the leader of your Center or at least on the staff. Just click on the links at the top of this group's main page to get into the Zoom meeting. Hope this answers the question (or gets it answered).