Bug--infant needing SP ordinance
I was trying to reserve the Sealing to Parents for a person who died as an infant (# GKJC-27F).
I kept getting the error message that there might be duplicates, but there were no duplicates and no similar people.
It finally resolved when I realized that the parents' Sealing to Spouse ordinance was not reserved.
The BUG is the wrong error message.
I agree, from the limited detail provided, that it sounds like a bug of some sort. I'm not sure why there was a message about possible duplicates when there were not listed duplicates for the same parents as the deceased infant. But sealing of parents should be accomplished prior to the child being "brought in" to then be sealed to the parents. Perhaps that's what the programming was reacting to, but with an error message that didn't make sense. Or possibly the programmers programmed it to assume the parents were already sealed as spouses, so "another" couple that wasn't sealed was a possible duplicate. Thus I agree that someone needs to look at that apparent bug.
But you also found the resolution and resolved it. Now the programmers need to have that error generate a message that actually makes sense. Good catch.
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Not being able to reserve ordinances due to duplicate parents and the error message on the child not being clear that that is the problem has been reported quite a few times on these boards.
I just tried to reserve the sealing to parents for a child whose parents's sealing to spouse had not been reserved and was able to do so without out any problem at all. There was no kind of error message at all.
Could you share the ID number of this person so the whole history of what was going on there can be checked?
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The original poster, @CherylMillerBlack , did include the ID number of the person in question in the original post: GKJC-27F.
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Missed that somehow!
Looking at Jessie's Change Log, the last event is dated April 16, 2023, is a change in relationship caused by the merge of two copies of his mother. Looking at his mother's change log there were two merges and several relationship changes on that same day.
Since a frequent complaint around here is that is is possible to reserve sealing to parents when parents have had no ordinances completed whatsoever.
And since Family Tree and the temple ordinance system are separate databases that need to talk to each other.
And since all this was happening on a Sunday when the system has its highest load.
My theory is that there was a delay in the transfer of data between Family Tree and the temple system when you first tried to reserve the ordinance and due to that the temple system saw two mothers on Jesse. Probably it was just giving the systems time to sync that allowed you to finally reserve the ordinance, not that you reserved the parents ordinances.
But in any event, it is still a confusing error message when it does not specify who has the possible duplicate.