Time to revert
Do you have any details? General opinions are hard to work with.
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They were not ignored and what we are using today is the result of many changes from the starting point that were in direct response to many people using the new format and giving feedback. (And I might add - most are older, long FamilySearch users from many different countries.) There have been so many changes and improvements I cannot even remember now what the beginning looked like. All along the way the community here helped the progress of this new version. And if some of you are thinking that it is the product of only young programmers and not involved in family research, etc. you are wrong.
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It appears that my comment was deleted because you don't like hearing the truth that many comments were ignored. Or maybe you didn't like me saying that it was insulting to be told to not believe our lying eyes.
I haven't seen one response to a comment that there is too much white space, too much scrolling, visual pain, ... that wasn't dismissive. We are told, "Yes it is better." with nothing to address why we disagree. Just a simple statement that it is better, with no regard for legitimate issues making this latest format unusable.
There is a reason why many people used the old format until forced off it. They tried the new one, and hated it. Comments to that effect were made early on, and they were ignored.
I've been using this site for a long time. I've cleaned up a lot of your data. But no more.
I especially hate that response asking for more details when there are a ton of comments listing details that have not been addressed. That comment is just corporate speak for "we are going to ignore you until you get tired of repeating yourself."
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Usually, comments are deleted for not following the code of conduct. Name-calling and other personal attacks tend to be the most common reason. Any time you are defining someone else, you are risking it being an attack.
Please be patient. Responding to every comment made is not a feasible task. Especially when comments are flamboyant, it takes time to craft an appropriate response. Most of the time, I will click on a reaction to a comment to let you know I’ve read it.
As things are fixed and updated, feedback and comments get stale. So if you are asked for details, we want to know the issues about the here and now. We need an updated perspective not just a repeated mantra of “I hate it”. Details matter and new details matter even more.
Yes, comments about white space and scrolling have been made in the past, the page has been updated, because of those comments. Users that were using the new page felt the difference. So if you feel pushback from other users it’s because they have been invested in the process. A fresh perspective is welcome, but let’s be cordial about it and try and see another’s perspective.
It takes time to make updates. There is a process for making changes. What you think is an easy fix may take months to get through. Something you think is hard might take a few hours to get out. This is very true when it comes to design and opinions on how things should look.
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No. There has not been any substantial update on the format. There has been a few tweeks here and there.
It is offensive to repeatedly hear that my opinion is wrong. How could I not like it? It doesn't matter that I , and others, find it painful.
But continuing this conversation is obviously useless. This was a nice site while it lasted, but those days are gone.
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A lot of people need to learn how to put together a proper, well-supported argument.
The job of a product design team is to construct that from the feedback of end user. Users aren't paid for that. Don't ask what we think and how we feel and then get upset because we think it's a mistake and it makes us feel upset. Complaining takes time, and there's hasn't exactly been a good history of responsiveness to complaints regardless of how well-constructed, detailed or well-documented they were, so why make the effort? I've done QA for a living for 25 years. It takes time and experience to be able to look at product documentation and wireframes and predict what the real-world workflow issues will be, but by the time the product is far enough along to turn over to user testing, most teams are already so committed to the design that they're not even willing to make major changes. Really, how many major design or functional changes have gotten canceled after work had started due to customer feedback?
Users are on this site to work, so if they're presented with a beta layout they hate and given the option to ignore it, they're going to ignore it and keep working on the legacy site for as long as possible. That's entirely reasonable behavior. It's not realistic to point the finger at people here of their own volition for not dedicating more time and effort to something they hate.
And many comments were ignored, or at least downplayed and disregarded. There was and is plenty of legitimate criticism even in posts that are superficially incendiary. Somebody posting "yes this is terrible" after other posts explaining how the layout is somehow both too cluttered and has too much wasted space is simply expressing passionate agreement. Why make an effort to restate what's already been stated and rejected? Somebody saying "We must have marriage banns!" is expressing an honest opinion of functionality they would value. How much free time do you expect them to spend analyzing or explaining why?
I have no idea how big the product engineering team is for this site, particularly for this update, but I bet it's overworked and under-resourced like most places. Management probably thought they could cut corners by having customers do their usability testing rather than paying a team to do it. I think saying this update have been much better isn't anywhere as much of a criticism as saying this is the best they're capable of doing.
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If you think responsibility flows both ways, then you should pay me for my expert opinion.
I am a user here, and I used to contribute info. You should thank each and every person who bothers to suggest an improvement, because it is so much easier to just leave without saying why.
There has been a small echo chamber on this new format that has refused to hear that the basic premise is not good. The only detailed comments I see in favor of this change only mention this feature or that, that has been added. The features are independent of the layout. They can be added with ANY layout. I haven't seen a single comment giving a DETAILED description of WHY this layout is better than the previous layout.
Yet you expect an infinite number of repetitions of the details of why this layout is worse than the previous. That is just an insulting way of telling us to shut up and go away.
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Comments have been edited or deleted due to violations of the Code of Conduct.