Help Others Function on New Person Page
I am having problems helping other on the new page. Mostly these are older members in their 70s and 80s who cannot remember passwords and have problems using IT. On the old page I am able to input the members name, date of birth and the last 5 digits of the membership number, often requiring me to obtain these details from the ward clerk. So far I have not been able to help most people on the new page as i receive an error message asking me to check the info is correct. The issue seems to be around the person not accurately remembering what they have input as their "username". For example, one person I have been working with give me the name of Susanna Trench, her date of birth and then her membership number (I have changed her name here for privacy reasons). With this information I was able to help her access her temple reservation list etc. on the old page. Under the new page this does not work. After many hours of looking through her past note books we eventually found that her username had been listed as susannatrench6. Is there a quick way that I can identify the username?
I've been told there will be new features in the consultant planner to help. In the meantime, there is this gap in the functionality.