Fonte, Treviso - are Maria Pellizer and Giovanna Pellizer sisters?
Maria Pellizer is born in Fonte ~ 1851 and marries Sebastiano Comin ~ 1875. They have 8 children. Giovanna Pellizer is born in Fonte ~ 1858 and marries Giovanni Parisotto ~ 1880 and they have 4 children. I am trying to determine if these 2 women are sisters.
It doesn't appear that birth or marriage records are available for Fonte for this period, so without that information, you would need to find their death records. If they died in Fonte or someplace in Treviso, they should be in the FamilySearch Treviso tribunale record collection:
Now death records aren't as reliable as birth or marriage records for the names of parents, but it may be the best you can do.
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Thanks for the references.