note translation of note for Adolf Marcellus Björling
Adolf Marcellus Björling, born in 1818. There is a note for him and I need help with the translation. In the moving in column there are two dates but I can not make out the place name above those dates. Did he move out and move back in before moving to page 116 in Västra Delen?
He has moved in from Linköping. The 5 November 1842 date is the date he left Linköping and the 23 December 1844 date is the date he reported to the parish that he had moved in. His move-in record is here (entry #286):
As far as the note, I will ask @Ulrich Neitzel to see if he can translate that for you. It is beyond my Swedish abilities.
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@Norm Baker Thank you for your help in point me to my next step!
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@Ulrich Neitzel I have been able to pick out a few words. Vandel and på. Also till 1841 21/8. Above the long note it looks like abs. 3/9 is this possibly a note about being absolved? The other words I can pick out letters but nothing that seems to make sense when I try and translate it. Can you make it out?
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Quite difficult... This is what I think it says:
berömt kunskap hedr. vandel. Attesten __ställd på J___. Saknar bd bevis från myndigh. ålder till 1841 21/8
excellent knowledge honorable reputation. Certificate _issued(?) at J___. Missing both(?) proof from age of majority to 21 August 1841
This seems to be a note about the knowledge (in religious education) and the way of life. I can't read the word starting with J_, this seems to be another place name. The dates above ( 3/11? and 3/9) should be the dates of participation in communion according to the column heading. Not sure about the "abs."
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Thank you so much for your efforts in translation. It was a difficult one.