Seen Parish 1722 Census Record Lasser Family
At the URL below is page 310 (microfilm image 161) of the 1722 Seen Parish Census. Number XXIII is the record for the Heinrich Lasser household. I would appreciate a translation of the record, especially the word between the two single children, Lisabeth and Hans Ulrich, and the note about them on the far right. I do not believe these are the children of Heinrich Lasser and Kathrin Ryserin, but rather the children of Heinrich's brother Mathias. Hopefully this will clear it up for me. Thank you in advance.
Heinrich Läßer, ***, d(en) 1. 7br [September] 1694 / Kathrin Rÿserin,***, d(en) 27. Jan. 1675 (1673?, 1678?) / Lib. …. (some reference which I cannot interprete).
Lisabeth, ***, d(en) 3. M(är)z 1709 / Soror (Latin for sister) / Hs. Ulrich, Frater (Latin for brother), **, d(en) 18. 7bris 1712.
Diese Zweÿ gehören und d.(?) / Catechumenos hierher. (These two entries are in the wrong column - should be here)
So you are correct: Lisabeth and Hans Ulrich are the younger sister and brother of Heinrich.
Catechumenos: they go to "Sunday school" prior to their first communion.
I assume the dates to be dates of birth (or baptism) - but have no idea, what *** (and the like) indicate: I'll try to find out.
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I had asked other people's opinion about the asterisks and the "Lib." on Peter.D is an extremely knowledgeable genealogist - but he has never seen such asterisks in census records either - likely the pastor's own coding.
"Lib." likely stands for "libri" (books) - so it would not be a reference, but listing the books found in the household during visitation (quite common in census records) - like "N.T." for Neues Testament. The other symbols or abbreviations will again be the pastor's own codes.
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Thank you very much for your help. It clears things up for me.