Translation help, Death, Anna Spruch, Kobiele Wielkie, 1873
May I receive a translation of the following death record?
Anna Spruch
Kościół rzymsko-katolicki. Parafja Kobiele Wielkie (Radomsko)
Akta zgonów 1826-1875
Year 1873
Akt 55
Microfilm number 005079418
Image 965 of 986
Thank you and best regards,
In the village of Kobiele Wielike 19 Dec 1873 at 10 am? (confusing wording usually meaning hours of the night, so never seen it used with 10, most often 2 or 3) appeared: Antonius Spruch, 36 yo and Jacentius Spruch, 31 yo, both peasants living in Hucisko manor and announced: that 17 Dec 1873 at 7 am Anna Spruch 25 yo has died in the manor. She was the daughter of deceased Yrban Spruch and the living Katarzyna nee Schepanski, peasants born in Hucisko manor and (Anna was) living there together with her mother. (followed by the record of priest who verified the death)
sorry, I didn't look up place or people names as I usually do, I just wrote them to the best of my knowledge of Polish which is close to zero. If some of the names sound very wrong, let me know and I'll check further.
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Thank you!
Now I see that this cannot be the same Anna who married Franciszek Spruch in 1821 at the age of 20.
Thank you again,