The development from sz to ß to ss (and the reading error hs)
You'll find a short treatise on this topic on
Excellent information -- thank you @WSeelentag.
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The problem with has retrospectively been solved (and the above mentioned contribution deleted) - here is the explanation again:
The problem with images not being displayed occurs if one tries to edit a contribution whilst some sort of check of images or included URLs is not completed - I know this and therefore avoid it (wait for at least 10 min). Still - within less than 60 seconds the contribution was marked edited - and the images gone: clearly an indication that not a human being, but an algorithm is behind this check.
The entire post was re-submitted, step by step - to find out which image or URL was causing the problem. It worked without problem - so this seems to be just an irreproducible malfunction of the platform software.