Can someone please transcribe and translate this death record?
Peter Müller (spouse of Anna Catharina Hartkopf) apparently died on 2 Jan 1809. But I can't verify details without a transcription and translation of this document:
최고 답변
1) Zehrung = Auszehrung as cause of death.
2) Go to the first entries both pages: "Ward still beerdigt …" - abbreviated to "still" in subsequent entries. ward = wurde: was "quietly" buried.
3) see 1) emaciation is an alternative translation - cachexia is the more medical term (sorry - after 40 years in a hospital).
[Ward] still [beerdigt] Peter Müller, Messermacher zu Pilchhaus, Ehemann von Anna Cathar[ina] Hartkopf, starb den 1t[en] Nachmittags 3 Uhr - alt 51 [Jahre].
Peter Müller, knife maker in Pilchhaus and husband of Anna Catharina Hartkopf, died 01 Jan 1809 at 3 pm from "Auszehrung" (cachexia - not well defined at this time), aged 51, and was "quietly" buried on 02 Jan.
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A few more questions:
- What is the word(s) in col. 1 ("zu fruing")?
- Who or what is "[Ward]"?
- Where did you find "Auszehrung" as the cause of death? It translates as "emaciated" but I don't see it anywhere in the original record.
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Very clear now. Thanks very much, @WSeelentag