Request for translation of the birth certificate
I would appreciate assistance with some key information from the attached birth record.
What I know is :
Father : (.....) Pius Bachen / Is there a name prior to Pius ?
Mother: Marta Bachen born Wrobel
Place : Myslovitz
Child name : Franz Joseph
I cannot figure out what was handwritten on the left side. The name at the end is Skolik.
Thank you very much
The word before Pius is Bergmann (miner).
The note in the left margin is: Hat am 16. Oktober 1941 vor dem Amtsgericht in Myslowitz die Vaterschaft zu dem am 6.1.1938 unehelichen Kinde Franz Josef Skolik anerkannt. Translation: Acknowledged paternity to the child Franz Josef Skolik, born out of wedlock on 6 January 1938, before the district court in Myslowitz on 16 October 1941.
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Thank you very much😊.
Interesting, considering that his legal son Franz Joseph Bachen was born in 1891 , his father Pius would be around 70 years old when his illegitimate son F.J. Skolik was born in 1938.
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Who in your opinion this note about F.J. Skolik being born out of wedlock refer to ? Pius or his son Franz Joseph who as born in 1891. Does this record read how old Pius was when his son F.J. Bachen was born?
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It is not fully clear to me, but I would also rather assume that the note refers to Franz Josef (born 1891) as father of Franz Josef (born 1938). The age or birth date of Pius is not given in this record.
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Thank you again😊. I think the same. Hope it would get clear when marriage record of F.J. Bachen is found
Kind Regards,