Help to translate a record
Thank you so so much for any help to translate this record. I bought it from a researcher in Poland--this area where the record is from Margonin/Helidorowo/Samotschin is now part of Poland but was part of the German Empire at the time.
The record I am looking at is number 15, Ludwig Birkholz and Justina Sommerfeld. I am really confused because I have birth records for 3 children born to Ludwig Birkholz and Justina Sommerfeld in Samotschin/Heliodorowo BEFORE the date of their marriage and I am trying to understand why that would be and if there is actually a different father? But the baptismal records show Carl Ludwig Birkholz or just Ludwig Birkholz as the father. I am hoping something in this record can help me to understand why 3 kids were born before the marriage and then 3 or 4 after the marriage--all the same parish and same parents. Someone had listed my great great grandpa as Michael Sommerfeld instead of Michael Birkholz--and I changed that and just wanted to make sure it was correct. Thank you so so much for any help or ideas on what this might say.
No. 15
Jahr und Tag der Trauung: 1839, den 2ten zweyten April
Name des Geistlichen der getraut hat: Hoeck?
Vor-, Zu- und Geschlechtsname der Getrauten. Aufenthaltsort, Stand und Gewerbe. Auch ob die Trauung in der Kirche oder zu Hause vollzogen ist: Ludwig Birkholz, Junggesell in Helidorowo und Wittwe Anna Justine Scholz, geb: Sommerfeldt ebendort. In der Kirche zu Margonin getr.
Ob sie schon verheirathet gewesen, _gleichen ob sie noch unter Eltern oder Vormundschaft stehen: Bräutigam war noch nicht, Braut aber schon verheirathet gewesen
Alter des Bräutigams: 26 J
Alter der Braut: 29 J
Religion des Bräutigams: evangelisch
Religion der Braut: evangelisch
Einwilligung der Eltern oder Vormünder: Braut brachte den gerichtlichen Heiraths-Consens bey.
No. 15
Year and day of the marriage: 1839, the 2nd second of April
Name of the clergyman who married: Boeck?
First name, surname and gender name of the married. Place of residence, profession and trade. Also whether the marriage took place in the church or at home: Ludwig Birkholz, bachelor in Helidorowo and widow Anna Justine Scholz née Sommerfeldt also from there. Married in the church in Margonin
Whether they have been married before, also whether they are still under parents or guardianship: Groom had not yet been married, but bride had already been married
Age of the groom: 26 yrs.
Age of the bride: 29 J
Religion of the groom: Protestant
Religion of the bride: Protestant
Consent of parents or guardians: Bride brought the judicial marriage consent.
Comment: Justine was obviously married before to a certain Scholz. It would be interesting to know when her first husband died and when the three children before this marriage were born.
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Wow! Thank you so so so so much for translating this record for me! I cannot thank you enough! What a good idea for the research process--find the first husband Scholz. That would help a lot because it is so weird that she and Ludwig are listed as the parents of 3 children in Helidorowo 1833, 1835, and 1837 and then they didn't get married until 1839! I will look into Scholz. Thank you so much for helping me to know what the record said. I just can't thank you enough for your time and effort to help me!
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I found him! Johann Shulz married to Anna Justina Sommerfeld--right near Margonin, died in September of 1830. She had one daughter with Johann in 1828. So there is a three year gap after the death of Johann before her first child with Carl Ludwig Birkholz was born. Thank you for the good research idea.
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It is my understanding that during the early 1800s there was an overpopulation concern in some German States. In some of these states, laws were passed to restrict marriage to those considered financially and morally responsible by community authorities. Eventually they figured out that prohibiting marriage did not prohibit births, it just caused more illegitimate births.
So one possible explanation is that local authorities did not feel Ludwig was financially established enough for marriage. This is pure speculation of course (I don't even know if such a law existed in this particular area) and one would think that authorities would welcome someone to marry a widow with a child and take on whatever level of financial support that he could. But it might be worthwhile to investigate the many changes going on in the area during the early 1800s and how it impacted your family. History is more interesting when you can put your family in the middle of it.
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Wow! That is such an interesting idea and would totally explain why they had three children before they got married. So interesting. Thank you so much for your help and thoughts on this! Thank you!