Translation help for Greifenberg Emigration record
Attached is the Greifenberg Emigration record for the Ferdinand Fredrich family, Family II on the record. Need help translating the headings of g thru n. Also what it says about Ferdinand in headings h thru n.
Thank you, Myke Rachu
최고 답변
g = Wohnort / Residence = Zirkwitz
h = [hard to read because it's in the fold but here's what I can make out]
[???], Fähigkeit, bezw. [???] des Orts [pr_?] [Po]lizeibehörde / can't provide complete translation
Information for first entry reads - Gegen Ertheilung der Entlassunsurkunde sind Bedenken nicht erhoben -
No objections have been raised against the issuance of the discharge certificate
and the second entry reads - desgleichen - the same
i = Militär- Verhältnisse = Military conditions / Landwehrmann = territorial army man
[there is no column j]
k = Vermögens - Verhältnisse = Estate conditions / 600 [not sure what the abbreviation stands for,, some amount of money]
l = Name des Hafens, über welchen die Auswanderung erfolgen soll / Name of the port from which the emigration will take place = Stettin
m = Name und Wohnort des Agenten / Name and residence of the Agent = Mattfeldt und Fredericks zu Stettin
n = Reiseziel / Destination = New York
Thank you for the translation.
Much appreciated, Myke Rachu