I Fail to understand, Guidance Required, Please.
Greetings readers from Llangyfelach, Swansea, Wales.
I have been advised that GD5F-97G (Milner James Dodson, 1890-1972) is a relative, albeit:
My 2nd cousin twice removed.
1) Why have I been given this information?
2) Am I expected to do something with this information, if so what?
Regards, Stay Safe.
FamilySearch often gives you hints about various things including relatives. These are for your information. Whether you do something as a result is entirely up to you.
If you want to stop receiving these notifications, on the home page in FamilySearch, click your name in the top right hand corner, click settings, click Notifications and then turn off whatever you wish.
Graham Buckell
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This enquiry followed the reciept of an emal (through the external mail to my @ntlworld address saying that someone, initially, un-identified, was a relative of mine.
After an hour or so of following various routs backwards from a DODSON and spreading out along a whole series of dead ends, I gave up; thinking there must be a better way of searching.
I went back to my NTL mail box and started all over again, this time I spotted a hint/ option button which took ne back five or six generations, crossed over to a spouse and then came back down a lesser number of generations and the he was.
To me a friend or relative is a person who might be in an ancestors Birthday Book or Christmas card list.
But the 'notified' gentlman did not appear in any of the Family Archives Ruth holds, so My questions remain "What if anything am I expected to do with this information?
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Thank you for your reply.
The more I learn as I go along, will be Helpful in dealing with similar notifications in the future.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my request for Guidance.
Stay Safe,