Accurate transcription?
Hello! Could anyone tell me if the transcriptions below appear to be accurate? The attached images are a bit hard to decipher.
Febr. d. 17 u. 18. | Johann Fridrich | Christoph Rothaker. Zigler. ux. Catharina. gebl: Traubin. | Christianus Werner. Schneider. Christina, Andreas Reußen. burgermeisters u: Kiefers ux.
d. 3t 9bris nat. Eod. ren. | Christianus | Christoph Rothacker, beÿsitzer und Ziegler allhier ux Catharina geb. Traubin. | Christianus Werner, Schneider, Christina, Andreas Reisen, burgerm. u: Kiefers ux.
Hello @Andrew Rodocker,
You did extremely well with your transcriptions. Just a few minor edits in bold which do not affect your original transcription materially.
Febr. d. 17 u. 18. | Johann Fridrich | Christoph Rothaker. Zigler. ux. Catharina. geb: Traubin. | Christianus Werner. Schneider. Christina, Andreas Reußen. Bürgermeisters u: Kiefers ux.
d. 3t 9bris nat. Eod. ren. | Christianus | Christoph Rothacker, Beÿsitzer und Ziegler allhier ux Catharina geb. Traubin. | Christianus Werner, Schneider, Christina, Andreas Reisen, Bürgerm. u: Kiefers ux.
Comments: In the first record, the abbreviation geb. before the mother's maiden surname looks like it has a script lower case "l" on the end but it is simply a scribal shorthand often used to represent the ending of an abbreviated word. The abbreviation geb. here represents the word geboren(e) = born, and as you can see, there is no lower case "l" in this word.
Regarding the date in the second record: I can't read it so I am unable to confirm that it is "3t" or something else.
Keep up the good work!
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Thanks again, @Robert Seal_1 ! I appreciate the explanatory notes.
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You're welcome, Andrew.