Translation Help Please?
This is an excerpt from a book of birth records from the island of Rugen, Pomern, Prussia. My ancestor's names were Joakim Ludvig von Segebaden and Margarethe Hedwig von Platen. I see these parent's names (well, most of them) clearly in the entry, but can not pick out a child's name, or gender. I am wondering if there are any clues as to why this information is missing for this entry? Thank you!
A Campbell
This is the birth record of Margaretha Maria (Warckenthin). Your ancestor Margaretha von Platen is the godmother.
d 23t February ißt Meister Andreas Marckenthins Bürger und Garnwäbers Frau Catharina Elisabeth Kanckels begabet mit einer Tochter die d 25t hujus getaufft nom: Margaretha Maria.
Die Gevatteren: Die Hochwohlgebohren Frau von Segebaden zu Stubben mit Nahmen Margaretha von Platen. Maria Kanckels und ___ und Casper Marten zum Hagen auff Zudar.
On 23 February Catharina Elisabeth Kanckels, wife of master Andreas Marckenthin, citizen and yarn weaver, gave birth to a daughter who was baptized on 25th of the same month and named Margaretha Maria.
The godparents: Her Excellency Frau von Segebaden zu Stubben with name Margaretha von Platen. Maria Kanckels and ___ and Casper Marten at Hagen on Zudar
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WOW! Thank you! I'm so thankful for your help in clarifying the record. It has been misunderstood by others to have been their child of unknown name and gender, so I will be sure to explain this so it is not confused in the future! I am very grateful for your expertise!
A Campbell