Marriage Proclamation Help
An ancestor's marriage proclamation is here. Odd, pasting the link returns "site '' did not respond...'".
Well, here is the image.
I can read most of it but
(1) What is after his birthday, "31 Jan. 1850 und..."? I see he is a widower but cannot quite read the rest up to "Ehre:".
(2) Is the wife-to-be's surname Pucelj, Tucelj, or what?
(3) What is after her house, "Langenthon No 55…"?
(4) What's with those Roman numerals? What do they mean? I see two III's.
(5) At the bottom, I see what looks like written in later. "Andr. Fink, 27 …". What is that about?
Thank you for your time. Make it a lovely day.
Franz Fink, eheliche Sohn des + Besitzer Johann Fink und der + Gertraud Schneider; geboren zu Langenthon No. 4 am 31 Jan 1850 und jetzt als verwitweter Besitzer auf No. 10 wohnhaft nimmt ihre[?] Ehe:
Gertraud Pueclj, Witwe nach Leonard König; ehelicher Tochter des + Franz Pucelj und der + Agnes Hocevar; geboren zu Langenthon No. 28 am 13 Febr. 1858 und jetzt in Langenthon No. 55 wohnhaft warden aufgebothen:
I. Dom. III p. Pascha
II. Dom IV p. Pascha
III. Dom. V p. Pascha
i.e. am 23 und 30 April und am 7 Mai 1893
Franz Fink, legitimate son of the property owner deceased Johann Fink and the deceased Gertraud Schneider; born at Langenthon No. 4 on 31 Jan 1850 and now residing as widowed property owner at No. 10 takes in[?] marriage:
Gertraud Pueclj, widow of Leonard König; legitimate daughter of deceased Frank Pucelj and the deceased Agnes Hocevar; born at Langenthon No. 28 on 13 Feb 1858 and now residing at Langenthon No. 55 have been proclaimed:
I. 1st Sunday past Easter
II. 2nd Sunday past Easter
III. 3rd Sunday past Easter
That is, on 23 and 30 April and on 7 May 1893
I'm not sure about the note at the bottom.
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Thank you very much.
Make it a wonderful day because you deserve it.