translation help
Hi Karen,
I will try to decipher but I hope someone will correct my errors as I am still learning. A lot of abbreviations were used by the scribe. I also sometimes have difficulty with the phrasing and assigning the right adjectives and clauses to the right person. Hopefully I am close.
The german text:
Emilie Constantia geb Kühl, abgeshied Rode, weinmacher in ????, böttchergasse No 1059 hat den dreizehnten Juni ihre Tochter Johanna Emilie, welche den sechs und zwanzigsten Mai abend 10 uhr geboren worden, allhier taufen lassen. T. Z. (Taufe zeugen) Joh. Jac. Ernst ein Sattler, Jgfr (Jungfrau) Emilie Henr. Schlichtenberg, Jgfr (Jungfrau) Wilhelimina Fentz
Emilie Constantia née Kühl, (wife of) deceased Rode, winemaker in ????, Böttchergasse No. 1059, had her daughter Johanna Emilie, who was born on the twenty sixth of May in the evening at 10 o'clock, baptized here on June 13th. Baptism Witnesses Joh. Jac. Ernst a saddler, maiden Emilie Henr. Schlichtenberg, maiden Wilhelimina Fentz
I think the term abgeshied most likely means deceased in this context. It is possible it could mean departed. böttchergasse No 1059 is the street address for Emilie. The way it is worded suggests to me that the birth is out of wedlock. I see that in Emilies' death record on ancestry it identifies her as a widow and lists her living children. Each has the surname Rohde except Johanna Emilie who is listed as Emilie Kühl.