Help please with one phrase for a marriage record
I think I got most of this record right, but am not sure of the bit for the bride's parents, especially the circled parts. What does the 'ehe' followed by '=' and then is that und'? The phrase ends referring to his wife as, I think, 'Kath: Hertle' -- is that right? I translated that whole bit as:
Salomea Graf, 32 years old, servant girl, born and rightful resident of Gleishorbach, of Protestant faith, daughter of Konrad Graf, legitimate, dayworker and citizen formerly living in Gleiszellen and died there, Protestant, and Kath. Hertle
[Nbr:] 16.
Heute den einunddreisigsten Dezember 1867 wurde in der kirche zu Gleiszellen nach 2 maligem kirchlichem Aufgebote am 2tn und 3tn Advent den 8tn und 15tn Dezbr 1867 durch den unterzeichneten Pfarrer und in Gegenwart der Zeugen 1. Heinrich Hust, Zimmermann in Gleishorbach und 2. Jacob Graf, dienstknecht zu Niederhorbach, beide prot. Conf.
Das Ehebündniß des Andreas Hoffmann, 29 J. Alt, Oelschläger in Bergzabern prot; Confession, Sohn des gewerblos in Bergzabern wohnhaften Lorenz Hoffmann und dessin daselbst verlebten elefrau Christina Roeller beide prot. Conf.
Mit der Salomea Graf, 32 J. Alt, dienstmagd, geb. und heimatberechtigt zu Gleishorbach, prot. Conf, Tochter ihr in Gleiszellen wohnhaft gewesenen und allda gestorbenen protest: ehe = und tagners len b Konrad Graf und Kath: Hertle kirchlich eingesegnet.
Ueber die bürgerliche Trauung des eingesegneten Ehepaares ist dem unterzeichneten Pfarrer ein Zeugniß des CivilstandsBeamten zu Gleishorbach vom 31tn Dezber 1867 eingehändigt worden.
Unterschrisft des Pfarrers. M. Gaf
Today the thirty-first December 1867 in the church at Gleiszellen after 2 church marriage banns proclamations on the 2nd and 3rd Advent the 8th and 15th December 1867 by the undersigned pastor and in the presence of the witnesses 1. Heinrich Hust, carpenter in Gleishorbach and 2. Jacob Graf, servant at Niederhorbach, both of Protestant faith, the church-blessed marriage of Andreas Hoffmann, 29 years old, Oilpresser from Bergzabern of Protestant faith, son of Lorenz Hoffmann, who lives without an occupation in Bergzabern, and his late wife Christina Roeller of the same place, both of Protestant faith, with Salomea Graf, 32 years old, servant girl, born and rightful resident of Gleishorbach, of Protestant faith, daughter of Konrad Graf, legitimate, dayworker and citizen formerly living in Gleiszellen and died there, Protestant, and Kath. Hertle. For the civil wedding of the blessed couple, the undersigned pastor certified of behalf of the Registrar at Gleishorbach on 31th December 1867. Signed by the pastor. M. Gaf
'''Marriage''': "Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials,
1500-1971"<br/>Citing Marriage, Deutschland, Klingenmünster,
Marienthal, Marnheim, Mechtersheim, Meckenheim u Rockenhausen, German Lutheran
Collection, various parishes,
FamilySearch] (accessed 29 March
FamilySearch Image] Image number 00072
최고의 답변
Your interpretation is quite right. The passage in question reads:
... und allda verstorbenen protest: Ehe= und Tagnersleute Konrad Graf und Kath: Hertle.
... and there deceased protestant married couple and dayworker Konrad Graf and Kath: Hertle.
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A few corrections:
Das Ehebündniß des Andreas Hoffmann, 29 J. alt, Oelschläger in Bergzabern prot; Confession, Sohn des gewerblos in Bergzabern wohnhaften Lorenz Hoffmann und dessen daselbst verlebten Ehefrau Christina Roeller beide prot. Conf.
Mit der Salomea Graf, 32 J. alt, Dienstmagd, geb. und heimatberechtigt zu Gleishorbach, prot. Conf, Tochter der in Gleiszellen wohnhaft gewesenen und allda verstorbenen protest. Ehe - und Tagnersleuten Konrad Graf und Kath: Hertle kirchlich eingesegnet.
The marriage of Andreas Hoffmann, age 29 years, oil presser in Berzabern, of the Protestant faith, son of Lorenz Hofmann, who lives in Bergzabern without an occupation, and his wife Christina Roelter, who had died there, both of the Protestant faith,
and Salomea Graf, age 32 years, a servant girl, born in Gleishorbach and with residency rights there, of the Protestant faith, daughter of the married couple and day laborers Konrad Graf and Kath. Hertle, who had lived and died in Gleiszellen,
was blessed by the Church.
The phrase "Ehe- und Tagnersleuten" literally translates as " married and day laborer people".
@Ulrich Neitzel Thanks!
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@BaerbelJ and @Robert Seal_1 : Thanks for confirming!