Marriage Processetti Gennaro Fiorino & Rosaria Sabitino Borrelli
Gennaro Fiorino first married Caterina Porco sometime in the 1780's. Caterina died in 1811 and Gennaro (age 54) quickly found a young (age 24) Rosaria Sabitino Borrelli and got married in 1812. To complicate things more, she was the daughter of one of the direct ancestors I have been researching, Paolo Borrelli & Marchesa Piluso. To further complicate things Paolo and Marchesa has another daughter, Lucia Teresa Borrelli who they were able to marry off at the same time... so these processetti's are right next to each other! 🙄
I'm glad I went looking for this processetti of the second marriage, because I can gain a baptism extract for Gennaro, plus learn more about his parents. I'm only interested in 4 extracts. Any help you can offer is appreciated - Carl
IMAGE 47 I really need help on this one anything you can tell me. I think I see something that could be a Fiorino name. Any names/ dates help would be appreciated.
IMAGE 48 I think this the baptism extract of Gennaro Fiorino. I believe the father was Dominico and mother Rosa Falzetti? Does it mention origins of parents and can you confirm his baptism date?
IMAGE 50 I think this may be the death extract of Dominico Fiorino. Help with death date /age, and if it mentions where he was born. Names of parents?
IMAGE 51 I think this may be the death date of Rosa Falzetti? Help with death date / age and if it mentions where she was born. Names of parents?
Sorry, I double posted by mistake
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Excellent find, it is excellent when an ancestor remarries old because you can get quite old references in the processetti! You always want to be seeking out marriages/processetti not only for your direct ancestors, but their siblings as well, because these can provide valuable info. Additionally, processetti do sometimes include deaths of grandparents, so technically even ancestors' nephews and nieces may occasionally be useful, though this is rare.
Image 47: I think this is the bride on the previous marriage, Maria Antonia Caputi
Image 48 (baptism of groom): Paterno Calabro, 6 Feb 1758 ... baptized child born on 20 Jan 1758 to Domenico Fiorino and Rosa Farzetta, married, from this parish
Image 49 (baptism of bride, and your aunt): Paterno Calabro, 16 Oct 1788 ... baptized child born yesterday to Paolo Borrelli and Marchese Pizzuto (not sure of spelling, but don't worry about the surnames changing slightly, before 1809, there was a lot less rigor in the preparation of records), married, from this parish
Image 50: (death of groom's father): Paterno Calabro, 16 Mar (not sure either "nonagesimo quarto"=1794 or "octagesimo quarto"=1784), Domenico Fiorino, age 92, died
Image 51 (death of groom's mother): Paterno Calabro, 19 Dec 1788, Rosa Falzetta, wife of Domenico Fiorino, age 75, died
Images 52 and 53 are deaths of the bride's parents which I believe you already have elsewhere. Just to certain the dates are 1 Aug 1801 and 23 Oct 1802 respectively both in Paterno
Image 54 is the death of the groom's ex-spouse in 1811, and the original is of course available online
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@joseph99929 Thanks again! I took a closer look at the 1812 2nd marriage record (civil) of Gennaro Fiorno IMAGE 12
It looks like Domenico Fiorino died in 1784 and his wife as you mentioned above died in 1788. Good old Domenico sure had good genes living to the age 92 so long ago. Wish I had his secret recipe 🙂
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@Harleynut97 Yes, I see it says the father died 1784, so that clarifies things.
With an age of 92, this means you have an ancestor from the 1600s, which is awesome!