Is this real? Two Marriage Records for Same People in Brezfeld/Bitzfeld and Ilsfeld
A. I think found two records for what it seems is the same couple, id's LYXS-S13 and MY6H-G54.
Can you confirm if these are, indeed, the same couple? The groom in both records has the same occupation, Chirurgus (Surgeon?) which makes me think these are the same.
The groom was noted as Johann Christoph on the Bitzfeld record and Johann Christian on the Ilsfeld record. All else seems to be the same.
If they are the same couple, can you explain why the duplicate records?
Also, I'd appreciate a translation of the records.
The records are at and I included images here.
(1) Zurück | Württemberg: Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart > Dekanat Weinsberg > Bitzfeld > Mischbuch 1728-1807 Band 3. Go to Image 158.
(2) Zurück | Württemberg: Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart > Dekanat Heilbronn > Ilsfeld > Eheregister 1781-1808 Band 10. Go to Image 9.
B. I also found a Bitzfeld Family Book that I think is for this couple. The husband's occupation seems to be the same as above, Chirugus.
Can you kindly confirm because the wife's name seems to be Burkhard, not Burger(s). Is it common to confuse Burkhard with Burgers?
I also noticed an apparent error for the death date for Christoph August born 1795. It's off by 100 years. Do you agree? > Dekanat Weinsberg > Bitzfeld > Familienregister 1808-1892 Band 22 > bild 121
Thank you for your help.
The two marriage records are indeed for the same couple. The proclamations were recorded in the groom's parish, Bretzfeld, with a note stating that the actual marriage took place in Ilsfeld, the bride's hometown. That is fairly common and can be a real advantage for the researcher. One entry may be written more clearly or contain more information than the other.
It's also not unusual to confuse Christoph and Christian, especially since both are commonly abbreviated as "Christ." or "Chr. ", which could mean either. Hopefully, the name will be spelled out in the baptism record. Generally, I would use whatever is written there.
As for Christoph August, I suspect that you are correct in assuming he died young, because of the cross and the fact that there is no confirmation date. I would confirm that hypothesis by checking the burial records, beginning with the date of his birth.
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Bretzfeld record;
Mr. Johann Christoph Lang, surgeon in Bretzfeld, legitimate unmarried son of the surgeon and member of the court there, Georg Fridrich Lang, and Maiden Christina Dorothea, legitimate unmarried daughter of Johann Adam Burger, "Stabsschultheiss" [local administrator] and surgeon in Ilsfeld.
Bretzfeld, proclaimed on the 6th through the 8th Sundays after Trinity, married in Ilsfeld.
Ilsfeld record:
proclaimed on the 6th, 7th, and 8th Sundays after Trinity:
Mr. Johann Christian Lang, surgeon, legitimate unmarried son of
Mr. Georg Friederich Lang, member of the court and surgeon in Bretzfeld,
and maiden Christina Dorothea, legitimate unmarried oldest daughter of Mr. Johann Adam Burger, Stabsschultheiss and surgeon here, were married on the 26th of July.
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Wow! Thank you for the fast reply. It appears that they are, indeed, the same couple on both marriage records.
Have a wonderful day because you deserve it.
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Just a follow-up. I also found two family books for the family, one in Ilsfeld and one in Bitzfeld.
Thank you for confirming that duplicates can occur.
And that Christoph may be Christian. After reviewing thousands of records, this is the first time I found names being confused like that.
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A "proclamation" or banns needed to be announced in every town either party had recently resided in. Therefore you will often see two records when the bride and groom lived in different towns. In the Netherlands, I have seen a marriage with three banns. However the civil (or established church) marriage occurred only once, though depending on the time/place and if the couple belonged to a minority religion a separate church marriage may have taken place.