Is "Koudal" a surname???
This morning I'm trying to add a few sources. The name I'm working on is listed on the source as Christen Jensen Koudal. He is listed in FS as Christen Jensen KD1K-98M. In all my years, I've never heard the surname "Koudal". I've checked with the Google Translate app, apparently there is no translation for this word.
Is Koudal really a Danish same?
A few years ago I was researching the name Jacob Jensen Lundbye. I sought help at the Salt Lake Library. What I understood was: due to the patronymic naming frequently more than one person in a parish/town could have the same name. In order to distinguish between them they added a designation to the name in the records. So in my case the patronymic name was Jacob Jensen. Lundbye was where he was born/from. Another researcher used Lundbye as the last name. I understand that the added designation could be a farm name or an occupation etc. I have tended to use the patronymic name and put the extension in family search as an alternate name for clarity with regard to some records. When I found the original christening record it was just Jacob Jensen. I surmise that Koudal was a similar extension to allow distinction between multiple Christen Jensens in the area. In my experience this practice was quite common. I have noticed that sometimes the extension was passed down as the last name. It appeared maybe more prevalent when they stopped using the patronymic (just my guess).