Looking for a Birth Certificate of my Great Grandparents for Italian Citizenship
My name is Ryan J. Speroni and I am looking for the birth certificates (certificati di nascita) of my great grandparents (Bisnonni) in order to apply for Italian citizenship via Juis Sanguinis. I have all of the certificates needed from America (Birth, marriage, Death documents of my grandparents, parents, and myself), and now I am looking for the last remaining documents, which are:
Birth certificates from the small city of Turbigo, which is located in the Comune di Milano.
My Great Grandfather, Ernesto J Giovanni Speroni was born in Turbigo, Milano on the 25th of July, 1884 and my Great Grandmother, Pierina Teresa Colzani Nava Speroni was born on 27th of January 1889, also in Turbigo.
I am looking for individuals who have gone through this process before and what they learned from this experience. I am also looking for forums in order to find the needed documents to continue.
Thank you for your time and efforts.
Ryan J. Speroni
Assuming you qualify, you need only your GGF's 'estratto di nascita', which the comune will send you for free. All you have to do is email or write them. Over the years, there were many fora, but only ICMB (https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/italiancitizenship/) are left standing. Many of the old members from previous fora are there.
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Hello Ryan,
Here's a link to the Sindaco or mayor to request the civil birth record in case you do not have it. The Civil office and the the Catholic parish should be helpful. http://italia.indettaglio.it/eng/lombardia/turbigo.html.
I'll check out some more sources for you and be in touch!
Buona Fortuna
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I have talked to several others for ideas and the above suggestion appears to be the best route to use for now. I wish it was easier. Try to call them directly if you can.